Cloning some Marijuana plants.


 Cloning requires High humidity roughly 90% to start with. A dome can do this well. You can make one with say plastic wrap but its much easier to buy one. There bit expensive in my experience though so be prepared to like 50 bucks on a 5 pack or 20 bucks on a single dome. 7inch dome is required 20x10 flat is ideal. Short domes wont be tall enough.

 You will also want a rooting gel of some kind it helps the rooting. However it can be done without it will just take longer and you will have less success. Rockwool cubes or jiffy pellets work well. Easier to handle as well. But there a bit more expensive. You can use a pouch with any soil base. However its important to keep in mind that you want a base with ZERO fertilizer and high moisture retention.

i find keeping water in the bottom of the tray about 1/4 up the pouch yields the best results with the least amount of work. Its important to know you have to clean the water it will go stagnant and do things like mold. You can add some stuff but generally speaking they dont need anything except plain water. Phed to about 6. For best results only clone from an extremely healthy plant any deficiency in the mother will be in the clone and sense the clone will not be getting any other then water. Any deficiency or infection will thrive.

 Your going to need a spray bottle or something to mist them with roughly once or twice a day basicly dont let them dry out for the first 3-5 days. After that you can let them dry out for short periods to harden them off and encourage faster root growth the idea is to make the roots want to stretch for water. However keep in mind that if the roots dry out completely the plant will most likely die.

Its also important to note that almost all the videos you find on youtube about cloning are done by people who have never done so. They will suggest that you score the stem and then they scrape the edge of it... This is incorrect and not what scoring means. Score means to nick it. If your strip the flesh of the stem that whole section of the stem will die and rot. This wont always kill the clone but it usually slows the rooting or kills it off completely. Simply nick it and only if you cant take a clone that has a node at the base so nicking will not be required. The tap roots will grow out of the nodes when cut off scoring is not required or recommended unless no nodes are present. Then just nick it ever so slightly so the stem thinks there was a node there.

You should also note that if you want to keep the mother or bud it shortly after cloning. You must not completely strip the plant. I find that at least 2 nodes on each branch is required after taking the clone. If you cut down to one The recovery is super slow. Slower then just growing new seeds. If you strip all the nodes the plant will never grow back. If you dont need the mother. Then dont worry about it you can turn every node into a clone if you wanted. Note that if the branch is not mature 5 or more nodes. The clone will most likely take an extra 30 days to fully go into veg vs  2 weeks or so. the reason is it has to fully mature before it can start veg its super fast on the mother super slow for a clone to do so when its trying to root. 1 or 2 days can make all the difference so be patient.


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