Week 8ish i think veg Marijauna Gardening

Plants are growing well. We have been exposing to the outside elements. 40f was to cold and 50f the next day was fine. You want to start putting them in the sunlight for short periods or they will burn. If its warm enough you can just put them in the shade for a few days before the direct sunlight.

We are also starting to expose the clones to fresh low humidity air. 25% for us but around 50% would be better.

You can find me at @Matty877 on twitter and @Matty877_Gamer on TikTok for daily updates.

They might start to yellow at this point. It just means there low on food and mother could have been fed more. A kelp mix spread on them could help with this. But its normal. I wouldnt advise putting fertilizer in the water yet. The roots are fragile and not able to consume it anyway. Its ideal to have a better fed mother before cutting or more leaves on the cutting for food rather then trying to feed the clones well there rooting.


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