Freshly topped and on the Rise Marijuana Plants Week 6

We finally finished topping all the plants. Excepted the one that got damaged as a seed and was stunted. Its still growing good. Its just a Growing very slowly Might be at the point of full recovery. However it highlights the importance of soaking your seeds to soften the shell and to be very careful with your seedlings.We also raised the lights because there getting taller and we put them in larger pots. Which also means we need to increase water as the soil requires more to saturate. With more water comes more food. We are increasing to 3 tsb per 2-3 gallons of water. we will be feeding every other watering will most likely skip a couple feedings depending on how the plants are currently looking. Feeding should be subjective to your soil and plant consumption/ Size of plant and soil. It will also changed based on the type of food. There are many kinds of plant food most applied differently.


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