
Another day is one day closer to harvest


Haven't posted in awhile but have been filming.

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Week 8ish i think veg Marijauna Gardening

Plants are growing well. We have been exposing to the outside elements. 40f was to cold and 50f the next day was fine. You want to start putting them in the sunlight for short periods or they will burn. If its warm enough you can just put them in the shade for a few days before the direct sunlight. We are also starting to expose the clones to fresh low humidity air. 25% for us but around 50% would be better. You can find me at @Matty877 on twitter and @Matty877_Gamer on TikTok for daily updates. They might start to yellow at this point. It just means there low on food and mother could have been fed more. A kelp mix spread on them could help with this. But its normal. I wouldnt advise putting fertilizer in the water yet. The roots are fragile and not able to consume it anyway. Its ideal to have a better fed mother before cutting or more leaves on the cutting for food rather then trying to feed the clones well there rooting.

Cloning some Marijuana plants.

   Cloning requires High humidity roughly 90% to start with. A dome can do this well. You can make one with say plastic wrap but its much easier to buy one. There bit expensive in my experience though so be prepared to like 50 bucks on a 5 pack or 20 bucks on a single dome. 7inch dome is required 20x10 flat is ideal. Short domes wont be tall enough.  You will also want a rooting gel of some kind it helps the rooting. However it can be done without it will just take longer and you will have less success. Rockwool cubes or jiffy pellets work well. Easier to handle as well. But there a bit more expensive. You can use a pouch with any soil base. However its important to keep in mind that you want a base with ZERO fertilizer and high moisture retention. i find keeping water in the bottom of the tray about 1/4 up the pouch yields the best results with the least amount of work. Its important to know you have to clean the water it will go stagnant and do things like mold.

Stages before Cloning prep. Week 7 in the Life of a cannabis plant.

  This week we have not done much. We finished up topping. We left the stunted one alone to let it catch up. Next few weeks we will be prepping for and cloning The plants which are ready. By ready i mean healthy and branching well. The banches will need 2 lower nodes and at least 3 upper nodes before we can safely clone off of them without effecting the growth of the mother as well as providing a well matured clone. If you try to clone off a branch thats not ready it will not grow back very well, will slow the growth to a point which makes planting new plants instead viable. The Clones which are taken from an immature branch will have to mature before it will fully veg. This will result in a 3 tipped leaf branching that takes up to 4 weeks to grow out of after a slowed rooting process. Avoid this by simply waiting for the branch to be fully mature before attempting to  clone. Takes a little more time upfront but it will ensure a smooth transition from insi

Freshly topped and on the Rise Marijuana Plants Week 6

We finally finished topping all the plants. Excepted the one that got damaged as a seed and was stunted. Its still growing good. Its just a Growing very slowly Might be at the point of full recovery. However it highlights the importance of soaking your seeds to soften the shell and to be very careful with your seedlings.We also raised the lights because there getting taller and we put them in larger pots. Which also means we need to increase water as the soil requires more to saturate. With more water comes more food. We are increasing to 3 tsb per 2-3 gallons of water. we will be feeding every other watering will most likely skip a couple feedings depending on how the plants are currently looking. Feeding should be subjective to your soil and plant consumption/ Size of plant and soil. It will also changed based on the type of food. There are many kinds of plant food most applied differently.

Baby plants weeks 4-5

Discoloration on the leaves and stems like this are normal at this stage of growth. Second feeding Repeat of the first feeding 7 days later. Transplanting into 5 Gallon pots after letting them dry for a day or 2. So few days after 2nd feeding. Make sure they are healthy before transplant. Clean dirt off plants after to prevent bug infestations.  Water slowly as the dirt may be dry and will not absorb the water fast enough. You dont want to drowned your plant. Found a lady bug for good luck.. No but these are good bugs to have around leave them be. So If your seeing Damaged leaves like this then don't be alarmed its simply wind/dry heat damage. Simple monitor your humidity. If its lower then 40% then bring it up to at least 40% 60-65% is ideal. if its 85 degrees or more then try and lower that to 70-84 is fine. If you cant raise the humidity. Simply spray them with a water bottle a couple times a day. A